Hung up on Library Holds?
Get the Hang of Them!
I am self professed 'bookworm' who is constantly on the look for a good read (or a good listen with a CD Audio). Books provide great opportunities to explore communities outside of your home, and they are great for travelling back in history. Sharing and swapping book titles is one of my favorite hobbies.
I am incredibly blessed to be working at the Spring Hill School District as a Special Education Paraprofessional (K-3), and at the Johnson County Library's Central Resource branch as a page. Working as a page has taught me in the ins and outs of libraries (and library holds).
My biggest piece of holds advice for patrons is to know your release dates in advance and actively check the library catalog for any new arrivals or items being ordered. The sheer joy you feel when you are in the top 100 on holds for an item is well worth the research. Also, if your library system limits the number of holds you can place (and they all do) you may need to be selective about what items you want. Just be patient.
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